Hodgdon Pyrodex P Black Powder Substitute 1 lb


Pyrodex powder is a type of black powder substitute that is popular among firearms enthusiasts, hunters, and reenactors. This powder was first introduced by Hodgdon Powder Company in the 1970s as a safer alternative to traditional black powder.

Pyrodex P Overview

Pyrodex powder is a type of black powder substitute that is popular among firearms enthusiasts, hunters, and reenactors. This powder was first introduced by Hodgdon Powder Company in the 1970s as a safer alternative to traditional black powder. Pyrodex is composed of potassium perchlorate, sulfur, charcoal, and other additives that make it less sensitive to friction and impact, reducing the risk of accidental ignition.

Hodgdon PyrodexP is intended to be a direct replacement for FFFg Black powder when measured volumetrically using a black powder measure. The principal uses for Pyrodex P are in muzzleloading pistols, cap and ball revolvers, and in small bore, muzzleloading rifles. Like all grades of Pyrodex, it burns cleaner and produces less fouling than blackpowder.

One of the main advantages of Pyrodexp powder is its clean-burning nature. Unlike black powder, Pyrodexp produces less fouling in the barrel of a firearm, reducing the need for frequent cleaning. Additionally, Pyrodexp has a consistent burn rate, providing more reliable performance and accuracy in firearms.

The Benefits of Using Pyrodex Black Powder

Pyrodex black powder is a variant of Pyrodex powder that is formulated to mimic the characteristics of traditional black powder. This powder is composed of a blend of potassium perchlorate, sulfur, charcoal, and other additives that produce a dense, smoky cloud when ignited.

One of the main benefits of using Pyrodexp black powder is its authenticity. It provides the same look, feel, and sound as traditional black powder, making it a popular choice for historical reenactors and muzzleloading enthusiasts. Additionally, Pyrodexp black powder is versatile and can be used in a variety of firearms, from rifles to shotguns to pistols.


  • Do not exceed the loads displayed in the reloaders guide.
  • Never mix any two powders regardless of type, brand, or source.
  • Never substitute any smokeless powder for Black Powder or any Black Powder substitute.

Product Information

Quantity1 Pound

Delivery Information

Shipping Weight
1.140 Pounds
HazMat Product

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Hodgdon Pyrodex P Black Powder Substitute 1 lb

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